Monday, May 24, 2010

Some ReInvention Ramblings

Good Morning,
First, I would love to reinvent customer service today ... especially on the internet. Do you know how difficult it is to change a password on an account? They send you lots of directions, but first you have to remember your original password (which obviously I forgot) and then enter a new one. I went round and round for about a half hour, and of course there was no live person to communicate with. Somehow, I must have pushed the right button somewhere along the lines and voila .. a new password, finally! I would love for every company to REINVENT by having live, call in (as on the phone) help.

Second, I've been thinking more about why people are so afraid of reinvention. I often get asked if I could use a less threatening word. Well, my answer is no .. I'll not use a less scary word. Reinvention does not have to be scary. Let's talk more about this.

Here are a couple of questions:
1. Do you do the same thing everyday?
2. Do you drive (or walk or subway or bus) to work exactly the same way every day?
3. Do you ever change your hairstyle or makeup or way of dress?
4. Do you sometimes change your phone message?
5. Do you try new foods at restaurants?

You see, reinvention can be teeny, tiny .. little small steps. The word reinvent means to to remake or make over, as in a different form: example: At 60, he reinvented himself as a volunteer. Another definition: to bring back; revive: to reinvent trust and accountability.

It's all about perspective or perception. If you do something one way, can you look at it with a different lens and perhaps see another way to do it. Or can you pretend that you are viewing through someone else's lenses and see it from their viewpoint?

Today, I'm reinventing my relationship with food. I'm taking on looking at how I eat, what I eat, how often, how much. I'm going to reinvent this today, keep tabs on it, and tweak it each day until I find a new way of eating on a more regular basis. I know that what I have been doing hasn't been working, so it's time for a different perspective. I'm not calling it a diet because diets don't work (for me). I'm calling it a shift in perspective and some tweaks in behavior. That makes it less stressful and scary for me.

What can you reinvent today that might have a very positive influence on who you are, what you do, etc?

Enjoy taking on something new today, then tomorrow.
Remember the old saying, "you can't teach old dogs, new tricks?" Well, I'm an old dog, and I'm still teachable. How about you? All it takes is an ounce of willingness.

Happy Monday,

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Monday, May 10, 2010

Nothing Remains the Same ... Everything Eventually Changes

Hello Everyone,
I've been out of commission for a few days. First, my webmaster got a new job and I'm searching for someone to replace her. I'm desperate ... that sort of change I DON'T like.
As it turns out, just as we ended our working relationship, blogger changed their format and I was stuck not knowing how to get into this site.

That's all over now... I'm here. Yay! Thanks to John H, my son's friend for migrating the old site over to this new site.

So you see ... nothing ever remains the same.

We seem to live in this mythical world where we think we can control our lives by NOT making any change. Many of us stay in the rut of our lives. We go to work every day at the same place, we drive to/from there on the same path, we eat at the same places, we come home at night and watch the same TV shows and interact with the same people we know. Now, if all of this makes us happy and fulfilled, then no problem. However, if there is some complaining about any part of it .. then perhaps it's time to make some changes.

Making a change, however, means giving up control ... taking a risk. We know how things are now, as they are, but we have no idea how they will be if they are different. There is the rub ... we don't have a clue how things will be until we try, and we are afraid to get out of our comfort zone and try.

So, what to do?
By the way, this isn't just for individuals .. it happens in business -- corporations, small businesses, independent businesses, non-profits, schools ... you name it. It's always easier to stay where we are, doing what we do .. than to think outside the box and try something new and different. The lingering questions underlying it all is..."what if it doesn't work?" I suggest a better question might be .."Is it working now?"

Again, if it's working, don't fix it. If it's not, then go off to the drawing board to draft a new plan.
So, how do you know if it's working? Here's a suggestion.

Sit down with a friend or a coach or a small group and talk about where your life (or your business) is NOW. Ask youself, "Is there something I need to STOP doing?" Talk about it out loud with them and be willing to listen.

Nothing can begin to change or migrate in a different direction unless you first acknowledge that something must stop first... that something isn't working as well as you would like it to.

Willing to take a look? Willing to ask and answer the question? I hope so.
Be brave -- you can do it.
And, if you need someone for support, I'm right here.

NOTE: Do you think that if every country in the world would ask this question: What needs to change OR What do I need to stop doing? .. that perhaps things would be different? Just a thought.

Thanks for playing.
See you soon.

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