Test Post
Saturday, August 15, 2009
About Me
- Name: Ann Fry, The ReInvention HOTSHOT!
- Location: New York / Austin, NY / TX, United States
In the world of work, I travel and speak professionally at conferences and in corporate board rooms. I'm committed to individuals and companies constantly reinventing themselves for productivity and fulfillment. I love my work. I often sit at my desk, on the phone, coaching executives on how to create a work environment that works for everyone. Personally, I live in both New York City and Austin, TX and enjoy the duality of that existence. I believe it is our God-given right to live a life of passion and fulfillment .... to live beyond the "status quo" and thus the creation of this blog
Previous Posts
- My Thoughts on 9/11
- Two Things You Can ReInvent Even Today
- ReInvention Revisited .... Again, and Again
- Life Isn’t a Bowl of Cherries … It’s a Smorgasbor...
- What's it all about, Alfie? What Are We Meant to Do?
- Attitude ReInvention ... It's Up to YOU!
- Is it Time To Reinvent Yet Again???
- REInvention is a Lot of Things
- You Get to Choose
- Some ReInvention Ramblings
- August 2009
- December 2009
- January 2010
- February 2010
- April 2010
- May 2010
- June 2010
- July 2010
- August 2010
- October 2010
- September 2011