Shut Up and Take Action
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Hi Everyone,
I think I want to rant a bit. There are so many things to reinvent in the world. If I were queen for a day... here's what I'd love to change:
- the whole political system in this country -- too much fighting and back stabbing
- the fact that people don't seem to understand one another -- the old "walk in someone else's shoes idea" ... if you're rich, spend a few days living like a poor person; and if you're poor, spend a few days living like a rich person. You'll see we all have issues.
- all the award shows ... could we just combine them into one long show ...?
- public fighting ... as on TV. I'm sick of the NBC issues. Do we need all these talk shows anyhow?
- lack of respect. I live in NYC, ride subways and buses. I can't tell you the number of young people that NEVER get up and give their seat to an older person who might need it. I can' even tell you how many younger people don't hold the door when they walk out, but rather just let it slam on the person behind them.
- news reporting... couldn't they just report what's happening without trying to destroy the person they're reporting about... people can make up their own minds.
Well, I could go on and on about my opinions. I won't. The point is ... there's much to change in the world AND we are mostly unable to pull those changes off. We can complain and whine; we can vote for change; we can write our editors, etc ... do what we can. There's a lot of frustration in trying to change big systems.
That being said .. we CAN effectly cause change in our own lives and maybe even those close to us. If we're sick and tired of how things are, we can work to shift our circumstances and have different experiences.
Stop saying "I can't." Stop thinking you can't. You can. If you're willing.
Much of my own personal change these days is circumstantial and sometimes feels out of my control. I have a scary health diagnosis, am getting treatment. It's an annoyance and I can't change that I have it. But, I can reinvent how I look at it all and deal with it. It IS up to me.
So, where in your life do you need to shut up and just take matters into your own hands to make some shifts and changes? I challenge you to take some action.
Share your thoughts, your actions... let us know what you're up to.
Reinvention is not overrated .. it's amazing and liberating and empowering.
Hang in there.
Hi Everyone,
I think I want to rant a bit. There are so many things to reinvent in the world. If I were queen for a day... here's what I'd love to change:
- the whole political system in this country -- too much fighting and back stabbing
- the fact that people don't seem to understand one another -- the old "walk in someone else's shoes idea" ... if you're rich, spend a few days living like a poor person; and if you're poor, spend a few days living like a rich person. You'll see we all have issues.
- all the award shows ... could we just combine them into one long show ...?
- public fighting ... as on TV. I'm sick of the NBC issues. Do we need all these talk shows anyhow?
- lack of respect. I live in NYC, ride subways and buses. I can't tell you the number of young people that NEVER get up and give their seat to an older person who might need it. I can' even tell you how many younger people don't hold the door when they walk out, but rather just let it slam on the person behind them.
- news reporting... couldn't they just report what's happening without trying to destroy the person they're reporting about... people can make up their own minds.
Well, I could go on and on about my opinions. I won't. The point is ... there's much to change in the world AND we are mostly unable to pull those changes off. We can complain and whine; we can vote for change; we can write our editors, etc ... do what we can. There's a lot of frustration in trying to change big systems.
That being said .. we CAN effectly cause change in our own lives and maybe even those close to us. If we're sick and tired of how things are, we can work to shift our circumstances and have different experiences.
Stop saying "I can't." Stop thinking you can't. You can. If you're willing.
Much of my own personal change these days is circumstantial and sometimes feels out of my control. I have a scary health diagnosis, am getting treatment. It's an annoyance and I can't change that I have it. But, I can reinvent how I look at it all and deal with it. It IS up to me.
So, where in your life do you need to shut up and just take matters into your own hands to make some shifts and changes? I challenge you to take some action.
Share your thoughts, your actions... let us know what you're up to.
Reinvention is not overrated .. it's amazing and liberating and empowering.
Hang in there.
Labels: change, regeneration, Reinvention, take action in your life
Amen! I agree whole heartedly. After losing my job of 30 years, I sat and cried and cried and felt sorry for myself. I identified myself with that position and the company, which is totally stupid. After a couple of weeks I decided I needed to put "my big girl panties on and deal with it." Tried finding a job but the economy sucked so I focused on volunteering. That is what I've been doing for about a year now. I cannot tell you how rewarding it is. No, it doesn't bring in a paycheck, but fortunate that my husband is still working. Our income was cut 60% but we're dealing with it. Thanks for listening, and Ann thanks for your postings.
Thanks to you Nancy! I appreciate the comment.
1) Turn the TV off...permanently.
2) We all need to s l o w d o w n. We have to be the fastest country in the world, trying to keep up with...everything. All this technology certainly provides more knowledge...but does it make us smarter?
3) Respect - tough to come by these days when the models we turn to lack deserving it. But I think that tide is turning. Slowly, but turning. As long as we have the five year-olds throwing hissy fits in Washington, we'll have the perfect antithesis to respectful behavior.
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