Sunday, January 3, 2010

ReInventing a New Year, New Decade, New You! Take YOU ON!

Happy 2010 ....
We are three days into this new year and decade. I've taken a bit of downtime and I've been reflecting about the last year, the last few years and what is to come. I'm energized and excited. I hope I can encourage you to feel that way too.

So, is it time to ReInvent a whole new relationship with yourself, your life, time, etc? Are you ready to take a LEAP? Are you tired of reacting rather than reinventing? If so, I've got some great questions to ask you. And, I invite you to answer them .. perhaps in a journal or on your computer in a word doc.

If you have any yearning for 2010 and the next decade to be DIFFERENT than the past, then do this for yourself. You DON'T have to settle!! Period. End of story.

First, some questions, then some resources.
1. What are you thinking about as you begin this new year?
2. What are your reflections about the past year? How was it? (be honest)
3. What lessons did you learn this year?
4. What are your biggest challenges going into the new year?
5. What have you been putting off that now needs to happen? What are you waiting for?
6. How would you like to be better at your job or at work? What needs to be reinvented there?
7. If you were the best at what you do ... what would that look like?
8. What would you like to do with your one wild and crazy life? In other words, what have you always wanted to do, but haven't? Is this the year?
9. What are you grateful for?
10. What are your first 3 steps of action ... beginning NOW?

I hope you really will answer these questions and take yourself on. If not you, then who?
I know that change can be scary ... but much better to take it on willfully and by choice than to have it thrust upon you.

However, if change has been thrust upon you; if circumstances have intervened when you least expected them, then go here and listen to my most recent article called: Thriving After ...! I hope it excites you to move forward.

There are many resources for you to read and visit. Google the word "reinvention" and see what comes up. Go to and read fabulous articles. Stay tuned to my blog. I'll be challenging you regularly.

There are NO excuses NOT to take yourself on. I always ask myself, "if not now, when?" I absolutely refuse to settle for things being the same old, same old - the status quo. I invite myself to go further .. to go beyond who I know myself to be. And, I invite you to do the same.

Happy Week One of reinventing the new YOU, the new year and the new decade!
Please leave your comments on how you're doing. I'd love to hear from you.

P.S. DO NOT make resolutions -- you don't keep them, so they are insignificant. Just move forward with intention and action.

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