Sunday, December 20, 2009

Let's REInvent the Holidays

Good Sunday morning,
It is December 20th, 5 days until Christmas and 12 days until New Year's Day. It is, for many of you, a very busy time. And, if you live along the East coast, there's the added pressure of difficult weather. I live in NYC and outside today it is white, white, white and shivering cold. We got hit with the first snow of the year and boy did it snow. It's beautiful out there AND it's a nightmare for people in adjoining states where they actually have to drive to the mall to shop. Retailers are freaking out, people are anxious about getting it all done.

Summary: All in all, everyone is worried, trying to figure it all out, wondering if it will all turn out, fearful about their pocketbooks (whether they are retailers or consumers.) Not a good feeling.

Every year at holiday time, it's the same thing. It's commercial and it seems to be a moral imperative to spend a lot of time and money having the perfect holiday -- gifts, food, entertaining and more. I lived that life for many, many years. Although I must admit ... I'm not such a perfectionist that I drove myself crazy with it having to be absolutely the best set table, decorations, guest list, etc. I did, however, do the gift-buying, food preparation, etc. But, not anymore. I don't have to anymore. I have one child (he is 31), I live alone at this point in my life. I am much more interested in experiences then in purchases. I give in other ways.

However, if you are still on that treadmill -- you have children waiting for Santa, you're a company deciding how to celebrate with your employees, etc., then I know you're in that place, yes, 5 days out, of having to get it all done.

So, how can you REINVENT the next five days and make it manageable? What can you create for yourself and your family and others that will provide an amazing experience of holiday cheer, tempered with NOT overspending, over-committing, etc? How can you create an attitude of gratitude and appreciation and awe and wonder for yourself and others? In other words, how can you do it all differently?

One thing you can do is download my FREE holiday e-book called Holiday Management 101: 35 Ways to Endure the Madness and Laugh Your Way Through the Holidays. There might be a couple of fun ideas for you there. Go to: and click on the gift icon.
Another thing you can do is just to CHOOSE to make these next free days stress-free. Every new behavior begins with a declaration. So choose "peace" instead of stress or whatever words you might use.

The point: Have wonderful holidays. ReInvent your relationship about HOW you do the rest of the holiday week.
People often fear "reinvention." They think it means throwing their entire life up for grabs. I try to convince us that everytime we do even one thing differently, we ARE reinventing. So relax.

That's it for today. Thanks for reading ... and pass this on to your friends.

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